Monday, October 18, 2010

Anticipation Oct. 2, 2010.

It's a long flight from Toronto to Hong Kong. We had to take an extra trip to Bangledesh on the way to Nepal to drop off some much needed Red Cross food relief. It really is as you see it on CNN and then even more the reality of an impoverished third world country hits you. It's a cliche but as Oprah has said many times, once you've seen the tragedy, it is really hard to turn a blind eye. As a human being you have to do something.These people have every right to clean water and minimal standards of hygeine. People have asked if they can still donate to The Arthritis Society...I think it's time to donate to the people of Nepal. This will be my next venture and effort to make a change in this world. It just takes one person to make a difference. The power of one is very impactful.

Here is Laura awaiting the flight from Hong Kong to KTM. We lost 12 hours of a day as our clocks moved ahead. . Here are some pics of the 28 million people living in poverty I saw in KTM.It was hard to take a picture as this is the road structure as you see it...complete chaos with bikes and taxis driving straight ahead towards you. Despite this chaos, KTM is a very safe city. There is little crime and/or violence. Less than 20% of people in Nepal are Nepalese. The majority are Hindu with some Buddhists and other religions intertwined amongst the population.It is amazing that not more people are sick in this overpopulated metropolis.

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