Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blame it on the DU DU DU DU DU DUkoral

OK so it's a play on the Usher song Blame it on the Alcohol. This will surely cause the eyes to roll on my teenage aquaintances ( and daughters! ) and put a perplexed face on my family and friends that don't follow current pop/rock music.

I have not been well since taking the oral it cause and effect....too hard to scientifically to determine but as a mother who follows her instincts my gut says yes. I have had minor flu like symptoms with low grade temperature and mild cough. It's getting better.

Does this mean that I shouldn't be exposing my body to the potential toxins in vaccines or does it mean that I'm lucky I had a mild reaction as it may prevent an outbreak of Cholera in my body if I am exposed in India?????......


  1. Well it could be that your body is developing a resistance to the bugs and the symptoms you are feeling is your body working hard to make those all important antibodies you will need if you do encounter Cholera or E.coli.

  2. That's what I'm hoping Lesley.I'm feeling better slowly. I took my last dose yesterday.
